Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Bryn's Counting Lessons

We have been working on counting by 10's with Bryn. She struggles with some things, likely due to prenatal exposure to 'guck'. Anyway, it took her a while to get going... "10, 20, 30, 40...70, 80, 90..." Her eyes would get big & she would get so excited to say the last number, "Twenty-one!" "Uh, noooope." "Thirty-one??" "Nooooope..." I"m laughing, so I whisper, "100" and we all smile & get ready for her to try it again. We do this about 10 times & she is still not getting it, yet every time she gets so excited for the last number. We are trying to suppress giggles at how cute she is!

So we go upstairs to show Dad. I brag her up & tell him how well she is doing. The exact same thing happens. We try it a few more times & I tell her that I'm going to give her a quarter since THIS time she is gonna do it!!!

By this time, all of the kids have gathered.

She is concentrating so hard on the end number that she has forgotten how to begin, so we start her out, "10..." and Bryn says under her breath, "one-hundred". "Twenty, " we say with her, then under her breath she says, "one-hundred". We are struggling not to burst out laughing. She continues this all the way to the end. And gets her quarter. :)

She is so feisty. It was funny to see her be so determined to figure out a way around a difficult task.

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